Urgent Warning!
A Plan of Action...

Mark E. Jeftovic
March 24, 2021
Toronto Canada

Dear Friend,

Events are moving very fast...

The 'Great Reset' is upon us. And...

The world is plunging headlong into a world without a middle class...

A two-tier society of the digital nobility (THE HAVES)...

Who own all the assets. Control all the wealth. Enjoy freedom...

And an underclass of neo-serfs (THE HAVE NOTS), who will live a
hand-to-mouth existence...

...The neo-serfs will own no assets. They'll be perpetually over-indebted...

... Subsisting on government "stimulus' payments and government issued
digital cash...

There will be NO upward social mobility for the neo-serfs... NO FREEDOM
as you and I have known it.

There's no going back to the way it was...

It's bleak. Cruel. It's not fair, just or equitable...

It's just the way it is.

However, You and your family don't have to be crushed financially

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Mark Jeftovic, @easyDNS CEO. Director, Internet Society Canada Chapter. Author: "Unassailable: Protect Yourself from Deplatform Attacks & Cancel Culture."

Who's Mark Jeftovic
And Why Should I Care?



I have an M.A. in English, a B.A. in marketing and advertising, and a minor in rhetoric.


I’m a published author of two books (currently at work on lucky number three) and my writing has been


I have a secret love for punk rock.

What's in it for you?

If yo

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